Lian Xiang Wang
making a better world

Alpha-EV, Inc. is doing their part to make this a better world. They're about to revolutionize the battery industry with a new generation of gel electrolyte batteries. Spill proof, leak proof, safe to store and easy to transport, Alpha Gel Batteries are the next step in battery evolution. Alpha Gel, an easy-flow, high penetrating electrolyte gel, provides enough cranking power to support a multitude of functions now performed by lead acid batteries but without the hazards and pollutants. The best news of all, Alpha Gel Batteries are affordable, even comparable to the prices of lead acid batteries.

Alpha Gel is patented in 15 countries and the unique gel was awarded a Gold Medal by the research department of France's International Fair. Alpha-EV Inc. is doing their part to make this a better world and they're poised to take the international lead in this industry. Contact us for more information on how you or you're company can be a part of Alpha-EV Inc.'s exciting new future.

Investors Relation

Alpha-EV is interested in exploring all avenues of funding support in private and institutionall sectors. Initial direct funding would enable Alpha-EV to move forward in both development and marketing.

The benefits of Alpha-EV technology touch on many industries and interests, ranging from motor vehicle manufacturers, energy development and distribution sectors, consumers, governmental agencies and environmental organizations. The development of Alpha Gel also benefits many other industries and improvements in every household.

Alpha-EV seeks both direct funding and assistance in obtaining funding in order to achieve these ends, which necessarily requires appropriate contacts and introductions in government agencies and the private sector. To the extent that further technical, economic and marketing assessments will assist the effort once those contacts are made, assistance in those areas is also sought.

Please send your information to us at


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